FAQ | IsManga


What is IsManga and how does it work?plus
IsManga is an innovative AI-powered manga translation service that allows you to instantly translate raw manga, manhua, manhwa, and comics from Japanese, Chinese, and Korean to over 10 languages. Our cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology automatically translates text within manga images, enabling you to enjoy your favorite comics in your preferred language for free, on any device.
How can I use IsManga to read translated manga?plus
Using IsManga is simple and user-friendly. You can either upload your own manga images or visit any raw manga, manhua, manhwa, or comics website. Once you've installed our Manga Translator extension or mobile app, select your desired source and target languages, then click 'Translate' to start reading your favorite manga in your chosen language instantly.
What languages does IsManga support for translation?plus
IsManga offers a wide range of language options, supporting translations from Japanese, Chinese, and Korean to English, French, German, Malay, and more than 10 other languages. For a comprehensive list of supported languages, please visit our language support page.
How do I access and use the IsManga service?plus
  1. Install the Manga Translator extension for your browser or download our mobile app.
  2. Navigate to any website containing manga images in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
  3. Click the Manga Translator icon in your browser's top right corner.
  4. Choose your desired source and target languages from the drop-down menus.
  5. Click the 'Translate' button and watch as the translated text appears directly on the manga images.
Is IsManga safe and legal to use?plus
Yes, IsManga is both safe and legal to use. We prioritize user security and comply with all relevant copyright laws and regulations.
How can I get customer support for IsManga?plus
For any questions, concerns, or assistance, our dedicated customer support team is available via email at [email protected]. We strive to respond promptly and provide comprehensive support to enhance your IsManga experience.
What are the best ways to stay connected with IsManga?plus
Join our vibrant community on Discord for discussions, tips, and real-time support. You can also follow us on Instagram for the latest updates, news, and exciting announcements about IsManga.
How accurate are the translations provided by IsManga?plus
The accuracy of IsManga translations depends on various factors, including the original image quality, text complexity, context, and user settings. While our AI technology continually improves, we recommend using IsManga as a complementary tool to enhance your manga reading experience, rather than a replacement for official translations. This approach ensures the best balance between convenience and accuracy.
Is IsManga compatible with all manga websites?plus
IsManga is designed to work with most websites featuring manga images in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean. However, compatibility may vary due to website-specific restrictions or unique layouts. If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at [email protected] or join our Discord community for assistance. We're constantly working to improve compatibility across various platforms.
Why might some text remain untranslated when using IsManga?plus
Several factors can affect IsManga's ability to translate all text:
  • Text size, clarity, or distortion: Very small, blurry, or distorted text may be challenging to recognize.
  • Unsupported languages: IsManga currently focuses on Japanese, Chinese, and Korean as source languages.
  • Unique fonts or styles: Handwritten, cursive, or highly stylized text may pose difficulties.
  • Text integrated with images: Text that's part of the background or not on a separate layer can be harder to detect.
  • Complex linguistic elements: Slang, idioms, puns, or culture-specific references may not translate easily.
We're continuously improving our AI to address these challenges and provide more comprehensive translations.
How can I subscribe to IsManga Premium and what are its benefits?plus
IsManga Premium offers an enhanced experience with unlimited translations, ad-free* reading, and high-speed performance. To subscribe, visit our pricing page and select your preferred plan - monthly or yearly. *Note: While IsManga Premium removes our ads, you may still see ads on the websites you visit.
What's the process for cancelling an IsManga subscription?plus
To cancel your IsManga subscription, simply navigate to our cancellation page. Follow the straightforward instructions to manage your subscription preferences.